Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SONIA, a ghosts tale

After seven years, the mighty short film SONIA hits the Net!

Awarded with one price and several nominations, SONIA was my first “official” short film.

Based on the urban legend of the ghost girl at the road bend, it was born while listening the impressive soundtrack from “The Abyss” by Alan Silvestry. I had in my mind this image of a man, lost in a lonely road at night. After that it evolved to a paranormal story. Then I saw the glorious Sixth Sense and I knew that the finale had to be a hit for the audience so…

Well, I won’t say a word more… Now it is your turn to sit down comfortably, turn off the lights and enjoy this short film… Don’t be too scared…

(If you survive, leave a comment, please)

Cargado por mortegae


Marisa said...

He sobrevivido al infarto...
dios, fantastico desde el primer segundo....

hasta el final "excepcional"...

Gracias por compartirlo, ya tienes una nueva fan!!


Anonymous said...

Los viejos cuentos clásicos nunca mueren... sólo son profanados impunemente :)

Una bora maestra de moerrea, sin duda....

Treinta Abriles said...
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Treinta Abriles said...

¡Pero si yo estuve en el estreno de ese corto! ¡Madre mía cómo pasa el tiempo!

¡Qué miedo nos hiciste pasar!

Anonymous said...

Casi me da un infarto!!, yo aquí sola en casa acojonada pensando en como me iba a poder dormir después de ver el video y ahora mes estoy descojonando, jaja, es buenísmo!:-)